Thursday, March 04, 2010

Some News...

While we find ourselves still in Grand Rapids, and curious at God's timing, we were finally given a glimpse of why He allowed our visas to be delayed. Saturday we learned that despite medical precautions (Nathan is officially in the 1% of men that have super healing bodies) we are expecting our 4th child! We were quite shocked, but we are thankful knowing that God is sovereign, and that He has chosen to expand our family. On Tuesday we were able to have an ultrasound and see the baby and heart beat.

We also learned today that our visas had been stalled as the office in Tenerife awaited a "tax" needed to proceed. So, hopefully tomorrow that issue will resolve, and Lord willing, we'll have our visas next week.

Our kids are excited about the move- so much so, that Levi has officially renamed himself, "Diego." We may let it stick since that's way easier to say in Spanish than explaining why our son is named after blue jeans.

Here are a couple pictures from the last week.

(Our Small Group going away party. We sure love these guys!)


Dana said...

I am still so excited for you!

Brianne said...

...medical precautions, huh?? I didn't realize what a miracle baby this is!! :) So much excitement!! Just goes to show you that our God who is in the heavens can do whatever He pleases -- and that which He pleases to do in the Thiry Family is SOOOO GOOOOOD!!! So excited for you - for #4 and for Tenerife. CALL ME!